Lawn & Garden

We have lawn and garden resources for everyone from the hobby gardener to the athletic field turfgrass manager. County-based AgriLife Extension horticulturists and statewide specialists share their expertise through workshops, webinars and online information to assist those Texans with, and without, a green thumb.

Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Food Science & Technology, Entomology, Agricultural Economics

Person planting yellow flowers

Junior Master Gardener

The Junior Master Gardener program, JMG, is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network.
Teen girl adding soil to planters

Learn About
Lawn & Garden



Today Master Gardeners are active in all 50 U.S. States and eight Canadian provinces. The heart of the Texas Master Gardener program is the dedicated, passionate volunteers who are willing to share their knowledge with anyone interested. 2019 Edition.


Turfgrasses are vital to landscapes, athletic fields, and golf courses; they enhance our quality of life.


Performing a prescribed fire is a serious undertaking, and a burn plan is key to the safest and easiest way to accomplish a prescribed burn. Leading up to the day of the prescribed fire, a checklist should be thoroughly reviewed and assessed to determine critical elements such as: The weather conditions during which the burn […]


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

NCPN-Roses is a network of scientists, educators, state and federal regulators that act together to ensure that rose budwood and rootstock is clean and available.


Preserving the Harvest is a program series that teaches ways to preserve foods with tested recipes and research-based methods, using “hands-on” activities to practice preservation skills.


Texas Superstar plants are specially recognized for superior performance in tough growing conditions in Texas.



Do you want to restore native plants? Are you curious about when to plant and how to maintain it? This online course will discuss how land managers can select, plant, and maintain native plants and when to plant them.


Once you finish this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion shows that you have completed the course, but does not qualify for continuing education credit, or CEU. A separate version of this course will be made available for CEU credit. Once the CEU version of the course is available, a link will be added here.

This course is intended for professional turfgrass parks and recreation managers, sports field managers, or landscaping specialists.


This course is intended for park and public works professionals, hourly workers, and volunteers.

Aggie Horticulture

Aggie Horticulture has served the gardening and horticultural crop production industry for over two decades. Our goal is to serve the students, producers, professionals and gardeners of Texas…and the World.

All Resources on Lawn & Garden

  • Publication

    La investigacion ha demostrado que la aplicacion de calcio soluble con urea, una forma de nitrogeno de amonio, puede mejorar la produccion de cultivos. Esta publicacion reporta los resultados de investigaciones con pasto bermuda, arroz y varios cultivos de hortalizas. Se discuten los metodos de aplicacion y las tasas de calcio. (4 paginas)

  • Publication

    Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be used to control weeds, keep lawns healthy and protect the environment. This publication explains the steps to take in an IPM program and the importance of calibrating equipment and making proper calculations when pesticides need to be applied. (4 pages)

  • Publication

    This 4-page publication explains how to keep a St. Augustine grass lawn healthy and attractive.

  • Publication

    The buildup of phosphorus in lawns, gardens, pastures, and croplands can cause plants to grow poorly and even die. Excessive soil phosphorus reduces the plant’s ability to take up required micronutrients, particularly iron and zinc, even when soil tests show there are adequate amounts of those nutrients in the soil. Phosphorus buildup is caused by […]

  • Publication

    This 5-page publication offers information on selecting the most suitable variety of bermudagrass; preparing the land; planting seed, sprigs, stolons, or tops; renovating bermudagrass fields; and managing and harvesting the crop.

  • Publication

    This publication explains how to keep a bermudagrass lawn healthy and attractive with tips on: Mowing Fertilizing Watering Controlling weeds Insects and thatch Eliminating compacted soil. (4 pages)

  • Publication

    This 2-page factsheet describes the three methods for establishing cool-season annual grasses.

  • Publication

    Use this checklist on fertilization to make your lawn healthy and attractive while minimizing the costs and damage to the environment. (3 pages)

  • Publication

    This publication explains how to fertilize your lawn effectively, economically and in an environmentally sound way for Texas warm-season grasses. (10 pages)

  • Publication

    When contracts for the Conservation Reserve Program expire, landowners must find profitable ways to manage their properties. These management decisions affect wildlife and habitat. Former CRP land can be returned to crop or livestock production and still be managed to benefit wildlife, and wildlife enterprises themselves can be viable options. (4 Pages)

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