Is it Dead or Alive?

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Preschool children are capable of understanding concepts of living and non-living things. Explore ways to support children's observation skills related to the life sciences. Delve into inquiry-based learning activities to encourage critical thinking. Use STEM concepts to test theories on living things and non-living things.

Course Information

What is Life Science? Can preschool children grasp an understanding of living and non-living things? Of course they can! Learn how to support children's observation skills, particularly as they relate to the life sciences.

The content of this online course for early childhood educators and childcare providers revolves around inquiry-based learning to engage preschoolers in developmentally appropriate critical thinking.

This STEM inspired course highlights the relationships between living things and their environments, including plants, animals, and humans.

Lessons and activities for inquiry about the characteristics of living and nonliving things are included.

Funding for this 2-hour training course was generously provided through a grant by The Boeing Company.

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