Viticulture Concepts and Practices — Textbook
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
This textbook is made for the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course with Downloadable Textbook. It is included in the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course, Textbook, and Downloadable Textbook storefront bundle listing.
Textbook contains:
- 20 lessons that cover all aspects of viticulture,
- a glossary with over 300 words,
- review questions, and
- suggested activities.
Note: Customers may choose instead to purchase a downloadable version of this textbook from the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Downloadable Textbook storefront listing.
The downloadable version of the textbook is included in the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course with Downloadable Textbook storefront listing and the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course, Textbook, and Downloadable Textbook storefront bundle listing.
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