Viticulture Concepts and Practices — Textbook

Date of Publication
August 31, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This textbook for the HORT-CO-003 Viticulture Concepts and Practices Course introduces students to the concepts and practices of viticulture as well as management practices used by grape producers.

This textbook is made for the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course with Downloadable Textbook. It is included in the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course, Textbook, and Downloadable Textbook storefront bundle listing.

Textbook contains:

  • 20 lessons that cover all aspects of viticulture,
  • a glossary with over 300 words,
  • review questions, and
  • suggested activities.

Note: Customers may choose instead to purchase a downloadable version of this textbook from the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Downloadable Textbook storefront listing.

The downloadable version of the textbook is included in the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course with Downloadable Textbook storefront listing and the Viticulture Concepts and Practices - Course, Textbook, and Downloadable Textbook storefront bundle listing.

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