Food Safety

We provide educational resources and materials, including online certifications for Texas food handlers, to help both consumers and professionals follow the most up-to-date food safety best practices. Common topics include safe food handling, preparation, cooking, serving and storing.

Related Departments: Food Science & Technology, Nutrition




food thermometer in a pan of meat

Food Safety Education Program

The Food Safety Education Program aims to increase safe food handling practices at retail and consumer levels to reduce risk of food-borne illness.

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Food Safety



This publication is for food managers in the food-service industry to learn proper food safety practices.


The purpose of this handbook is to enhance learning activities related to the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of dairy foods.


This 24-page downloadable cookbook contains three days’ worth of recipes that can easily be made with minimal preparation, ingredients, and resources.

Note: This is a paid downloadable publication.


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

These proven beef quality practices are simply better methods of doing the same jobs you’re already doing.


The Texas 4-H Family & Community Health Program provides a variety of resources and opportunities to learn about nutrition, interior design, consumer education and more.


Better Living for Texans program provides research and evidence-based nutrition, health and wellness knowledge to empower individuals, families, and communities to make positive changes for healthier lives.



Interested in selling food at a Texas farmers’ market? Need to know what permits are required? This one hour online course provides valuable information for potential vendors about the rules and regulations of Texas farmers’ markets.


Research shows that implementing policies can help promote behavior change. This one-hour course will walk learners through the steps of policy development, implementation and evaluation.


Food safety is just as important during special activities as it is at home or in the lunchroom. This online course helps teachers understand the importance of food safety during events that are not regular occurrences.

All Resources on Food Safety

  • Publication

    What is golden brown and crispy on the outside while tender and moist on the inside? It’s turkey or poultry that has been deep-fried. In this publication, you will learn how to easily deep-fry poultry.

  • Publication

    Besides discussing the nature and nutritive value of honey, its place in the diet, and related information, this leaflet includes suggestions and recipes for using honey in the home. (9 pages).

  • Publication

    Honey is a sweet, golden fluid made from the nectar of flowers. The flavor and aroma vary according to the predominating kind of flower the bees visit. Besides discussing the nature and nutritive value of honey, its place in the diet, and related information, this leaflet includes suggestions and recipes for using honey in the […]

  • Publication

    During the holidays, people gather with family and friends and enjoy special foods. Whether it is New Year’s Day or Thanksgiving, this publication describes how to keep your holiday festivities memorable-not miserable-by following the FightBAC TM basics of food safety: clean, separate, cook, and chill. By preparing and storing your foods safely, you can keep […]

  • Publication

    Creating an emergency supply of food and water, and knowing how to safely handle food and water after a disaster, can reduce stress, worry, and inconvenience. This publication provides information on water supply storage and purification, refrigerated and frozen food storage and safety, and special considerations for handling food after flood and fire. It also […]

  • Publication

    Esta publicacion explica como prevenir enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos eligiendo, transportando, almacenando y preparando fresas frescas de manera segura. (2 Paginas)

  • Publication

    This publication explains how to prevent food-borne illness by choosing, transporting, storing, and preparing fresh tomatoes safely. (2 Pages)

  • Publication

    Esta publicacion explica como prevenir las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos eligiendo, transportando, almacenando y preparando tomates frescos de manera segura. (2 Paginas)

  • Publication

    If you intend to set up a temporary food establishment, state law requires that you follow established food safety practices. This publication will show you how to comply with health regulations in order to avoid cross-contamination and foodborne illness. (2 Pages.)

  • Publication

    Tables list the amount of sodium contained in a wide variety of foods and beverages. (32 pages.)

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