Crops & Produce
From strategic agricultural production practices to safe handling of produce coming out of gardens and fields, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides in-depth information and a variety of experts to help food producers get fruits and vegetables and other crops to consumers safely.
Related Departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Horticultural Sciences, Animal Science, Agricultural Economics

Ask an Entomologist – Insect ID

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Crops & Produce
All Resources on Crops & Produce
- Publication
Gardening in Texas has unique challenges, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow vegetables here. You just need to know what kind, when, and where.
- Publication
Introductory wheel and recipe booklet to learn the basics of growing, harvesting, cooking with, and preserving 10 common herbs.
- Course
This 8 hour course is designed to satisfy the Apprentice Training Requirements as specified in Rule 7.132 (i) (2) and will cover common structural invertebrate and vertebrate pests of the United States, particularly in the state of Texas.
- Course
Prepare to take the Private Pesticide Applicator Exam administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture with this course designed for pesticide applicators in Texas. Private pesticide applicators use or supervise the use of restricted-use or state-limited-use pesticides or herbicides to produce an agricultural commodity.
- Publication
This 4-week curriculum equips early childhood teachers with daily engaging lessons, group activities, and journal prompts to enrich your classroom while making learning fun!