Path to the Plate: Ginger
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 25, 2022
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Ginger is known for its distinct flavor and taste and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This fact sheet instructs gardeners on the care of ginger and provides two recipes showcasing ginger. (2 pages)
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This three-page factsheet describes the symptoms and phases of this new disease, as well as yield impact, and management.
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This factsheet discusses soil texture, mineral content, nutrient-holding capacity, soil acidity and alkalinity, water-holding capacity, and more to help you understand and manage your soil for healthy grapevine growth and production.
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This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to conduct a grapevine tissue nutrient analysis, including when, where, and what to sample.
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Sustainable viticulture is a way to promote success in Texas vineyards.
- Publication
This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to prepare grapevine tissue samples for analysis.
- Course
The Viticulture Concepts and Practices course and textbook bundle prepares learners for successful careers in the grape industry.